Who are Design Residents?

Great design doesn’t come down to the use of expensive fixtures and fittings, fancy 3D models (although we can do those too!), or even just the aesthetically pleasing combination of colours, materials and finishes. The true test of home design comes when you actually start inhabiting the designed space. How it makes you feel, how comfortable you are and how much joy you get from just being in the space……..these are the true marks of great design.

Design Residents are a Sydney based Building Design business, focused on delivering sustainable, coherent and personalised spaces that achieve your renovation and future home environment goals. We realise that getting through the renovation itself is only one step in the journey – instead, we ensure that your whole home journey is always front of mind.

It was when our Founder, Steve Linton, was going through his own renovation, that he first had the idea for Design Residents. Despite having a relatively smooth renovation journey, Steve recognised many shortfalls in the typical renovation experience and quickly decided to do something about it. Flash forward a few years (a career change, where Steve reskilled and gained vital industry experience) and Design Residents was born.

Steve still remembers vividly what it was like being a home renovator, and it’s the desire to deliver enjoyable, seamless renovation experiences for clients that sits at the heart of the Design Residents philosophy.

Looking to renovate but not sure where to begin?

We recognise that the beginning of the renovation experience can be daunting, and sometimes you just need someone to talk to. So, we offer free consultations and advice with no expectation of future design work.

We can help you answer questions like; how feasible are my renovation goals? How do I pick the right builder? Is my budget realistic? What are the first steps I need to take?

Book a remote consultation with us now, using our free consultation booking tool. We’ll just need some basic information about your property and renovation ideas so that we can prepare for the call and give you the best possible advice.

If you decide that you like us (and we like you!) and that some design work would be a logical next step, then awesome! If not, then we’ll just be happy to have helped you along your way to renovation success!

Are you worried about finding yourself in the middle of a renovation horror story?

Our primary focus is delivering you great experiences (both during the renovation process as well as after you’ve moved in). We’re believers in effective project management and pulling together a team of trusted partners to help deliver your vision.

We follow 4 Guiding Principles to help make sure your experience is seamless and rewarding:

Proactive Communication

We HATE surprises……well, sort of! In the world of home renovations, surprises are normally most undesirable! We provide regular updates so you always know where things are up to, and engage early with consultants and builders to ensure designs are collaborative and surprises are minimised.

Personalised Experiences

It’s never about us, it’s always about you. We develop a detailed understanding of your requirements, in order to personalise your design, renovation process and future lived in experience.


We place the utmost importance on being upfront and honest. Unlike most others, we don’t calculate our fees as a percentage of your build cost. We charge a fixed fee so you know what to expect from the very beginning. No surprises, no design cost inflation!

Saving you

Taking on a renovation = decision fatigue! There are so many things to consider and it’s our job to effectively project manage things, steer you in the right direction and reduce the amount of effort you need to go to wherever possible.

Our Services

We’ll take you from the early stages of renovation planning, right the way through to construction. Although we don’t actually build your home, we’re still with you every step of the way during construction.

Our typical services are:

  • Town Planning Evaluation
  • Concept Design
  • Documentation and Drawings for Approvals and Construction Certificate
  • Management of the approval process
  • 3rd Party Management – we manage the interactions with all 3rd parties like surveyors, engineers, certifiers and interior designers
  • Builder selection and tender – we’ll help you navigate the builder selection and tender process. We can even recommend a trusted builder that we think would be perfect for your home

Contact Us

Submit an Enquiry

For when you’re just after some more information or a quick call back.

Book an Online Consultation

For when you’ve got some clear goals in mind and would like an obligation free consultation.

On the Drawing Board

Follow us on our social channels for updates as these designs take shape!

Nelson Residents

Transformation of a classic innerwest terrace

Ash House

Our Scandi collaboration with Studio Gaxa


A collaboration with ‘Envirotecture’ that brings sustainability and style together as one


Indoor and outdoor living spaces united, on this leafy suburban block